Baton Rouge, LA:
Mercedarian Sisters of the
Blessed Sacrament,Cypress Springs Mercedarian Prayer Center, 17560
George O’Neal Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70817.
[W] https://www.cypressspringsprayercenter.org/mercedarian-sisters-of-the-blessed-sacrament/
Liberty, MO:
Mercedarian Missionaries,
2115 Maturana Drive, Liberty, MO 64068. [W]
Cleveland, OH:
Mercedarian Sisters of the
Blessed Sacrament, 1355 W. 70th St. Cleveland, OH 44102. [W] https://mercedariansisters.org/
* https://cmswr.org/community/mercedarian-sisters-of-the-blessed-sacrament/
* https://religiouslife.com/vocation/mercedarians-of-the-blessed-sacrament
Order of the Blessed Virgin
Mary of Mercy (Mercedarians), 6928 Detroit Ave.,
Cleveland, OH 44102-2596.
[M] https://religiouslife.com/vocation/order-of-our-lady-of-the-bvm-of-mercy-mercedarians-cleveland
Philadelphia, PA:
Mercedarians. Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy, Monastery of Our Lady of Mercy House of Studies, 6398 Drexel Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19151. [M] https://www.orderofmercy.org/
This page was last updated on October 9, 2024
Deo est Gloria, P.O. Box 1487, Meredith, NH 03253