Bellevue, OH:
Precious Blood. Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Sorrowful Mother Shrine, 4106 State Route 269, Bellevue, OH 44811. [M] https://sorrowfulmothershrine.org/who-are-the-c-p-p-s/
Bloomingdale, OH:
Benedictines. Camaldolese Hermits of Monte Corona, Holy Family Hermitage,1501 Fairplay Road, Bloomingdale, OH 43910. [M] http://www.camaldolese.org/
Carmelites. Mount Carmel Hermitage of Ohio, 1619 Township Road 204, Bloomingdale, OH 43910. [W] http://www.mtcarmelhermitage.org/about
Burton, OH:
Christ the Bridegroom Monastery, 17485 Mumford Rd., Burton, OH 44021. [W] http://www.christthebridegroom.org/
Canfield, OH:
Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown, 4280 Shields Rd, Canfield, OH 44406. [W] https://www.ursulinesistersmission.org/
Canton, OH:
Divine Spirit. Congregation
of the Divine Spirit, Domus Caritas,
2812 Harvard Avenue, N.W., Canton, OH 44709. [W] https://www.sempercaritas.org/ * https://cmswr.org/community/congregation-of-the-divine-spirit/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/congregation-of-the-divine-spirit
Franciscans. Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration, Sancta Clara Monastery, 4200 N. Market Ave., Canton OH 44714. [W] http://www.poorclares.org/
Carrollton, OH:
Good Shepherd Sisters, Province of Central South US, 620 Roswell Road NW, Carrollton, OH 44615. [W] https://cs-shepherd.com/
Holy Cross. Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross, 164 Apollo Rd., Carrollton, OH 44615. [M] https://cruzios.org/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/order-of-canons-regular-of-the-holy-cross
Holy Cross. Sisters of the Holy Cross, 164 Apollo Rd., Carrollton, OH 44615. [M] https://www.avecrux.org/english/sisters_holy_cross_home.htm * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/sisters-of-the-holy-cross-oh
Chardon, OH:
Notre Dame. Sisters of Notre Dame, 13000 Auburn Road, Chardon, OH 44024. [W] https://sndusa.org/ * https://www.snd1.org/en/where-we-are/usa-ohio-chardon-province/
Cincinnati, OH:
Comboni Missionaries,
North American Province, 1318 Nagel Road, Cincinnati, OH 45255. [M,W] https://www.combonimissionaries.org/
* https://combonimissionaries.org/cincinnati/
Franciscan Friars, c/o St. Anthony Shrine, 5000 Colerain Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45223. [M] https://www.stanthony.org/who-are-friars/
Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, 60 Compton Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215 [W] https://www.franciscansistersofthepoor.org/
Franciscans. Monastery of St. Clare, 1505 Miles Road, Cincinnati, OH 45231. [W] https://www.poorclarescincinnati.org/ * https://poorclaresosc.org/our-monasteries/cincinnati-oh-mmb/
Glenmary Home Missioners, P.O. Box 465618, Cincinnati, OH 45246. [M] https://www.glenmary.org/Legionaries of Christ,8162 Chestershire Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45241. [M] https://rcohiovalley.org/legionaries
Notre Dame. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Ohio Province, 701 East Columbia Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45215-3999. [W] https://www.sndohio.org/
St. Philip Neri. Oratory of St. Philip Neri, 123 East Thirteenth Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202. [M] https://www.cincinnatioratory.com/
Ursuline Sisters of Cincinnati, 1339 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, OH 45206. [W] https://cincinnatiursuline.org/
Cleveland, OH:
Benedictines. Saint Andrew Abbey, 10510 Buckeye Road, Cleveland, OH 44104. [M] https://standrewabbey.org/
Franciscans. Poor Clare Colettine Nuns, 3501 Rocky River Dr., Cleveland, OH 44111. [W] https://www.pcc-cle.org/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/poor-clare-colettine-nuns-cleveland
Franciscans. Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration, 4108 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. [W] http://www.thepoorclares.com/
Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, 1355 W. 70th St. Cleveland, OH 44102. [W] https://mercedariansisters.org/ * https://cmswr.org/community/mercedarian-sisters-of-the-blessed-sacrament/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/mercedarians-of-the-blessed-sacrament
Mercedarians. Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy (Mercedarians), 6928 Detroit Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102-2596. [M] https://religiouslife.com/vocation/order-of-our-lady-of-the-bvm-of-mercy-mercedarians-clevelandSt. Joseph. Congregation of St. Joseph, Central Office, 3430 Rocky
River Drive, Cleveland, OH 44111. [W]
Cleveland Heights, OH:
Carmel of the Holy Family, 2541 Arlington Rd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118. [W] https://ccacarmels/cleveland-carmelites/
Columbus, OH:
Bridgettine Sisters, 40 N. Grubb Street, Columbus, Oh 43215. [W] https://bridgettines.com/
Dominican Sisters of Peace, 2320 Airport Dr., Columbus, OH 43219. [W] https://oppeace.org/
Immaculate Conception. Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception, c/o St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, 6077 Sharon Woods Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229-2646. [M] https://cficnorthamericandelegation.com/portfolio-view/st-elizabeth-catholic-church-columbus-ohio/
Mary. Daughters of Holy Mary of the Heart of Jesus, St. Therese Shrine, 5277 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH, 43213. [W] https://hsmcj.org/usa/columbus2.html
Precious Blood. Missionaries of the Precious Blood, St. James the Less Catholic Church, 1652 Oakland Park Ave, Columbus, OH 43224. [M] https://www.stjames-cpps.org/about
St. John. Apostolic Sisters of St. John, 707 Salisbury Road, Columbus, OH 43204. [W] https://www.apostolicsistersofsaintjohn.com/princeville-il-novitiate
Dayton, OH:
Marianists, St. Mary's Hall, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469-1638. [M] https://udayton.edu/rector/mission_identity_roots/vocations.php
Precious Blood. Missionaries of the Precious Blood, Cincinnati Province, 431 E. Second St., Dayton, OH 45402-1764. [M] https://www.cpps-preciousblood.org/
Precious Blood. Missionaries of the Precious Blood, 272 Bainbridge St., Dayton, Ohio 45402. [M] http://holytrinitydayton.net/about/preciousblood/
Precious Blood. Sisters of the Precious Blood, 4000 Denlinger Road, Dayton, OH 45426-2399. [W] https://www.preciousbloodsistersdayton.org/
Euclid, OH:
Trinity. Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity, 21281 Chardon Road, Euclid, OH 44117. [W] http://www.srstrinity.com/
Fayetteville, OH:
Ursulines of Brown County, 20860 State Route 251, Fayetteville, OH 45118. [W] https://www.ursulinesofbc.org/
Goshen, Ohio:
Legionaries of Christ, 1694 W Huntley Rd., Goshen, OH 45122. [M] https://rcohiovalley.org/legionaries
Highland Heights, OH:
Blessed Sacrament. Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, 5384 Wilson Mills Road, Highland Heights, OH 44143. [M] https://blessedsacrament.com/
Hubbard, OH:
Sacred Heart.
Sisters of the Sacred Heart, 50
Warner Road, Hubbard, OH 44425. [W]
https://www.oblatesister.org/ * https://cmswr.org/community/oblate-sisters-of-the-sacred-heart-of-jesus/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/oblate-sisters-of-the-sacred-heart-of-jesus
Jackson, OH:
Maronites. Antonine Sisters, c/o Antonine Village, 2675 N. Lipkey Rd., N. Jackson, OH 44451. [W] http://www.antoninevillage.org/antonine-sisters.html
Mayfield Heights, OH:
Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland, Congregational Offices, 6085 Parkland Boulevard, Suite 175, Mayfield Heights, OH 44124. [W] https://www.ursulinesisters.org/
Mount St. Joseph, OH:
Charity. Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, 5900 Delhi Road, Mount St. Joseph, OH 45051. [W] https://www.srcharitycinti.org/
Newark, OH:
Mary. Children of Mary, Motherhouse, 8353 Pleasant Chapel Road, Newark, OH 43056. [W] https://www.childrenofmary.net/Parma Heights, OH:
Incarnate Word. Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, 6618 Pearl Road, Parma Heights, OH 44130. [W] https://www.incarnatewordorder.org/
Richfield, OH:
Charity. Sisters of Charity of St. Augustine, 5232 Broadview Road, Richfield, OH 44286. [W] http://www.srsofcharity.org/
Steubenville, OH:
Mary. Daughters of Holy Mary of the Heart of Jesus, 700 Lovers Lane, Steubenville, OH 43952. [W] https://hsmcj.org/usa/index2.html
Reparation. Sisters of Reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, PO Box 9, Steubenville, OH 43952. [W] http://www.sistersofreparation.org/
Sylvania, OH:
Franciscans. Sisters of St. Francis, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania, OH 43560. [W] https://sistersosf.org/
Tiffin, OH:
Franciscans. Sisters of St. Francis, 200 St. Francis Ave., Tiffin, OH 44883. [W] https://www.tiffinfranciscans.org/
Toledo, OH:
St. Francis de Sales. Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, c/o St. Francis de Sales School, 2323 W. Bancroft St., Toledo, OH 43607. [M] https://www.sfsknights.org/about-us/oblates-of-st-francis-de-sales
Ursulines of Toledo, 4045 Indian Rd., Toledo, OH 43606. [W] https://www.ursulinecenter.org/
Visitation. Monastery of the Visitation, 1745 Parkside Blvd., Toledo, OH 43607-1599. [W] https://toledovisitation.org/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/visitation-monastery-of-toledo
Toronto, OH:
Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R., of Penance of the
Sorrowful Mother, Our Lady of Sorrows Monastery,
369 Little Church Road, Toronto, OH 43964. [W] https://www.franciscansisterstor.org/ * https://cmswr.org/community/franciscan-sisters-third-order-regular-of-penance-of-the-sorrowful-mother/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/franciscan-sisters-tor-of-penance-of-the-sorrowful-mother-toronto
This page was last updated on December 1, 2024
Deo est Gloria, P.O. Box 1487, Meredith, NH 03253