

Ada, MI:

Carmelite Monastery, 4300 Mt. Carmel Dr. NE, Ada (Parnell), MI 49301. [W] http://www.carmelitenuns.org/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/discalced-carmelite-nuns-ada

Adrian, MI:

Dominicans. Adrian Dominican Sisters, 1257 East Siena Heights Drive, Adrian, MI 49221. [W] https://adriandominicans.org/

Alma, MI:

Mercy. Religious Sisters of Mercy, 1965 Michigan Avenue, Alma, MI 48801. [W] https://www.rsmofalma.org/  * https://cmswr.org/community/religious-sisters-of-mercy-of-alma-michigan/

Ann Arbor, MI:

Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, 4597 Warren Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. [W] https://www.sistersofmary.org/ * https://cmswr.org/community/dominican-sisters-of-mary-mother-of-the-eucharist/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/dominican-sisters-of-mary-mother-of-the-eucharist

Love. Servants of God's Love, 3208 Ravenwood, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. [W] http://www.servantsofgodslove.net/index.html * https://cmswr.org/community/servants-of-gods-love/

Belmont, MI:

Consolata Missionaries Sisters, 6801 Belmont Avenue, P.O. Box 371, Belmont, MI 49306. [W] http://www.consolatasisters.org/

Chelsea, MI:

Guanellians. Servants of Charity, 16195 Old U.S. 12, Chelsea, MI 48118. [M] https://www.servantsofcharity.org/  * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/servants-of-charity

Clinton Township, MI:

Carmelites. Monastery of St. Therese, 35750 Moravian Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48035. [W] https://carmelctwp.org/ * https://discalcedcarmelites.weebly.com/

Dearborn Heights, MI:

Mariannhill Mission Society, 23715 Ann Arbor Trail, Dearborn Heights, MI  48127. [M] http://www.mariannhill.us/

Detroit, MI:

Christ. Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, c/o St. Joseph Shrine, 1828 Jay Street, Detroit, MI 48207. [M] https://www.historicrenewal.com/

Franciscans. Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order, 1820 Mt. Elliott St., Detroit, MI 48207. [M] https://www.thecapuchins.org/

Franciscans. Capuchin Franciscans, St. Bonaventure Monastery, 1740 Mt. Elliott Street, Detroit, MI 48207 https://www.thecapuchins.org/ministries/detroit/st-bonaventure-monastery

Mary. Sisters Home Visitors of Mary, 121 E. Boston Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202. [W] https://sistershvm.org/

Our Lady. Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, c/o Church of the Most Holy Redeemer, 1721 Junction Street, Detroit, MI 48209. [M,W] http://holyredeemerdetroit.com/solt/

Eagle Harbor, MI:

St. John. Holy Protection Monastery, Society of St John, 6559 State Hwy M26, Eagle Harbor, MI 49950. [M] https://www.societystjohn.com/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/holy-transfiguration-skete

Farmington Hills, MI:

Dominican Nuns, Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament, 29575 Middlebelt Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48334. [W] http://www.opnuns-fh.org/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/dominican-cloistered-nuns-farmington-hills

PIME Missionaries (Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions), 27405 W 10 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48336. [M] https://www.pimeusa.org/

Grand Rapids, MI:

Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus, Vocation Office, 2161 Leonard St. NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. [W] https://cmswr.org/community/carmelite-sisters-of-the-divine-heart-of-jesus-northern/

Dominicans. Grand Rapids Dominicans, 111 Lakeside Drive NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. [W] https://www.grdominicans.org/

St. Paul. Paulist Fathers, Catholic Information Center, 360 Division Ave S, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. [M] https://paulist.org/location/catholic-information-center/ * https://www.catholicinformationcenter.org/about-us/#Paulists

Grass Lake, MI:

Guanellians. Servants of Charity, Pious Union of St. Joseph, 953 E. Michigan Ave., Grass Lake, MI 49240. [M] https://piousunionofstjoseph.org/guanellian-family/

Grosse Point Park, MI:

Michaelites. Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel, c/o St. Clare Parish, 1401 Whittier Road, Grosse Point Park, MI 48230. [M] https://www.stmichaelthearchangel.us/about * https://stclarem.org/history-of-the-michaelites

Iron Mountain, MI:

Carmelites. Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Monastery of the Holy Cross, P.O. Box 397, Iron Mountain, MI 49801. [W] https://www.holycrosscarmel.com/index.html * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/discalced-carmelite-nuns-monastery-of-the-holy-cross-iron-mountain

Livonia, MI:

Felician Sisters, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM) Convent, 36800 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia, MI 48150-1172. [W] https://www.felician.org/about/convents/livonia/

Marquette MI:

St. Paul. Sisters of St. Paul Chartres, 1300 County Rd. 492 Marquette, MI 49855. [W] http://sistersofstpaulus.org/

Monroe, MI:

Immaculate Heart. Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 610 W. Elm Ave., Monroe, MI 48162. [W] https://ihmsisters.org/

Oxford, MI:

Benedictines. St. Benedict Monastery, 2711 E. Drahner Rd., Oxford, MI 48370. [M] http://www.benedictinemonks.com/

Pontiac, MI:

Marist Fathers and Brothers, c/o Notre Dame Prep, 1300 Giddings Road, Pontiac, MI 48340. [M] https://www.ndprep.org/student-life/the-marist-way/marist-fathers-and-brother

Port Huron, MI:

Mary. Sisters of Mary Reparatrix, c/o Full Circle EcoHouse of Prayer, 2504 Colonial Lane, Port Huron, MI 48060. [W] https://www.maryrep.org/

Port Sanilac, MI:

Mother. Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace, 7066 W. Main Street, Port Sanilac, MI 48469. [W] https://www.sistersmdg.org/  * https://cmswr.org/community/sisters-of-our-mother-of-divine-grace/

South Lyon, MI:

Miles Christi Institute, 25300 Johns Rd, South Lyon, MI 48178. [M] https://www.mileschristi.org/

Southfield, MI:

Charity. Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, International Project Services, 18000 West Nine Mile Road, Suite 550, Southfield, MI 48075-3734. [W] http://www.daughtersips.org/

Traverse City, MI:

Carmelites. Discalced Carmelite Nuns, Monastery of the Infant Jesus, 3501 Silver Lake Road, Traverse City, MI 49684-8949. [W] https://carmeloftraversecity.org/ * https://religiouslife.com/vocation/discalced-carmelite-nuns-monastery-of-the-infant-jesus-of-prague

Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia, c/o Grand Traverse Area Catholic Schools, Immaculate Conception Elementary School, 314 Vine Street, Traverse City, MI 49684. [W] https://gtacs.org/dominican-sisters-of-saint-cecilia/

Wyandotte, MI:

Irish Pallottine Fathers, 424 Orange St., Wyandotte, MI 48192. [M] https://www.irishpallottines.org/

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