London, ON:
Sisters Adorers of the
Precious Blood, 301 Ramsay Road, London, ON N6G 1N7 CANADA. [W] https://pbsisters.on.ca/
Sudbury, ON:
Missionaries of the Precious
Blood, c/o Holy Redeemer Church, 1887 Bancroft Dr., Sudbury ON P3B
Toronto, ON:
Missionaries of the Precious
Blood, Provincial Office, 100 Pelmo Cres Toronto, Ontario M9N 2Y1
CANADA. [M] https://www.societyofthepreciousbloodatlanticprovince.org/
* https://preciousbloodatlantic.org/
Saint-Hyacinthe, QC:
Adorers of the Precious Blood, Administration générale, Rel. Adoratrices du Précieux Sang, Les Jardins d’Aurélie, 2545, rue Dessaulles, Saint-Hyacinthe QC J2S OK2 CANADA. [W] http://www.adoratricesps.net/application/content_en/accueil.html
This page was last updated on December 29, 2024
Deo est Gloria, P.O. Box 1487, Meredith, NH 03253